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Disciples of Be'lakor #3

The road to Arc40k is paved with plans of epic armies… follow along to get some insights from hobbyists who know what it takes to present a new army at a new arc40k - they’ve started the ArcArmy Challenge and so can you.

Coming up with an army! It’s Sam again with my next instalment in the ArcArmy Challenge...

Disciples of Be'lakor is an Army of Renown and has a whole A4 page of restriction and benefits in the Daemons Codex. The Key Restriction is you cannot include a second LEGIONES DAEMONICA unit in your army with the same Allegiance keyword unless your army also includes at least one LEGIONES DAEMONICA unit with each of the other Allegiance keywords. You cannot include a third LEGIONES DAEMONICA unit in your army with the same Allegiance keyword until your army also includes at least two LEGIONES DAEMONICA units with each of the other Allegiance keywords, and so on. Be’lakor is excluded when considering this restriction.

"If your army includes a LEGIONESDAEMONICAKHORNE unit, you cannot add a second LEGIONESDAEMONICAKHORNE unit to your army unless your army also includes one LEGIONESDAEMONICATZEENTCH unit, one LEGIONESDAEMONICANURGLE unit and one LEGIONESDAEMONICASLAANESH unit"

In addition, your army can not take any any Greater Daemons, Daemon Engines or God specific units.

The Key Benefit's are all the Troops gain the Obsec Secured rule and you gain the disciples of Shadows rule as well as having access to Noctic Discipline psychic powers & Disciples of Be'lakor stratagems.

DISCIPLES OF SHADOWSFanatical worship of Be’lakor affords his disciples a fragment of his unnatural obfuscatory powers.

  • Each time a Combat Attrition test is taken for this unit, add 1 to that Combat Attrition test.

  • Each time a ranged attack is made against this unit, if the attacker is more than 12" away, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll.

All these add up to a fun and thematic army where Lesser Daemons do a lot of the heavy lifting.So here is how my army is shaping up.

First up, in case the picture didn’t give it away I am taking a Battalion Detachment as I need all the slots I can to try and comply with the restrictions.

In a Disciples of Be’lakor Army list Be'lakor can be taken as a HQ so I think this might be the only way you see him at the event due to the 2023 Players Pack as he is a super heavy normally.

So, for my second HQ I am planning on taking The Masque of Slannesh or maybe a Tranceweaver?

Troops I am definitely working on taking at least one of each god specific unit. This is mainly because I want to keep the army as thematic as I can. And It gives me a big chunk of models to paint.

Fo my Elites choices I've chosen two Beast's of Nurgle and they were they were so much fun to paint! So I decided to add a third one…

Fast Attack sees a squad of flamers, but I am fully expecting these guys to get some serious data slate updating come the 6 monthly balancing due to arrive with the next Chapter Approved in January.

Finally, for a Heavy Support choice I am planning on taking a Skull Cannon if I can get my hands on one. They have been out of stock for a while on GW website! Fingers crossed I can secure one before time to build and paint it runs out.

At this point in time I haven't chosen no Relics or Warlord traits as I will need the CP in game but I have got a my first practice game booked in next week so that might well change. Hopefully, this is a fun list to play with and against.

I really want to showcase all that Chaos Daemons has to offer in game play as well as a challenging army building project, but the restriction do make it a bit tricky in the list writing stage.


You can check out the previous installments of Sam’s journey here:


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