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ArcHeresy 2024 


Welcome to ArcHeresy 2024, Mitch & Michael are proud to announce that we have partnered up with Arc40k to deliver the first ArcHeresy event at ArcFest in 2024!


Arc40k has long been Australia’s Premier Warhammer 40,000 event, and we are now expanding this fantastic  weekend on the calendar to include Warhammer: The Horus Heresy.

Player Pack 

Our Players Pack is online this year. We can now add more details as they are announced, respond to feedback,  make changes based upon publication releases that arrive before April 2024.

This pack should have everything you need to decide on your involvement. If you need something clarified hit the link below to contact us.

What is ArcHeresy?

Is 2 days of blistering, lightning speed Zone Mortalis, set in the brutal universe of the 31st millennium. Where players will bring along 1,000pts of Warhammer: Horus Heresy and play 5 themed games

ArcHeresy is played over 3ft x 3ft Zone Mortalis Tiles.

ArcHeresy has 30 places (15 Loyalist & 15 Traitor)

Last Edited:  6th October 2023



The ArcFest Schedule is available here

Paint/Hobby Requirements 


ArcHeresy will be using the Arcfest Model Policy Guidelines at the discretion of the TO. Use the Contact Us form if you have concerns, and the EO's will get in contact with you.

A big part of what makes the Heresy so great is the level of effort and attention to detail for all to see across so many incredible armies. While it is acceptable to paint your Zone Mortalis forces to a three-colour minimum (tabletop standard), we strongly encourage all hobbyists to present their best possible representations of either The Warmaster or The Emperor’s forces.


In keeping with the consistently high quality hobby standard of the Australian Heresy community, things like highlighting, decals, and weathering are strongly encouraged. While we understand that not all of us are the most gifted with brush in hand, we do hope to see this extra effort reflected across these smaller forces at Arc Heresy 2024!

The EO’s choice award will not be given to the “Best painted” army necessarily. The things mentioned above, as well as unique army features are likely to contribute greatly to the winner of this award.


In addition to weathering and decals, listed below are some examples of simple ways to really make your Legion or army stand out for certain armies:


Night Lords - Blood and gore, Bat wings, Sharp-edged blades

World Eaters - Blood and gore, Chains and chain-axes, Bare arms, Bunny ear heads

Death Guard - Rust, Disease/mutation (Traitor)

Word Bearers - FIRE!!!, Daemonic glyphs/symbols, Robes

Dark Angels - Hoods/robes, Swords, Black and white checkered pattern

Iron Hands - “Oil slick” armor, Bionic limbs/body mods

Salamanders - Scales, Flames, Flamers/Meltas

Sons of Horus - Spikes, Chains, Sharp-edged blades, “Chaosy” iconography (Traitor)


There are so many more possibilities as to how you theme your Heresy force.



The Unyielding One - Best Loyalist General   (Trophy, Prize, Certificate)

The Warmaster - Best Traitor General (Trophy, Prize, Certificate)


The Diplomat - Best Sports (Trophy, Prize, Certificate)


Player’s Choice (Trophy, Prize, Certificate)


EO’s choice (Trophy, Prize, Certificate)

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