For the past 25 years Arc40k has been driven by four core principles.
Put into writing in 2011 they are: Play for Fun, Paint your Army, Be a Good Winner, & Don’t be that Guy…
These Principles - dubbed Codex Fez by those organising the event at that time - have been the backbone of of what has become an Iconic weekend of gaming with painted models against the best of mates - both new found and decades long.
The best part of these principles extend far beyond the Warhammer 40,000 event that spawned them and they can be applied to a range of Table top Miniature games and the Hobby associated with it…
In this series of articles we take a look at some of the events at ArcFest, and how they are getting on board with the Codex Fez, to run events aimed squarely at having fun, with our painted models, against great mates.
In Part 3: Days of Future Past, we got the low down about the Marvel Crisis Protocol Event from the TO himself, Nick Gentile.

Part 3: Days of Future Past
Days of Future Past is a celebration of everything great about the Marvel: Crisis Protocol and the community who play the game. It’s a chance for all of us to come together to connect, play games, show off our painting and most importantly have some fun!
The games at Days of Future Past are always played in a fun and engaging way, with both players focusing first on having a good time and second on deciding who wins. Winning is certainly the objective, but it’s not the reason we play. That’s why is so cool to be running this year’s event as part of ArcFest - where it’s signature Arc40k event has championed the same approach - it’s a vital part of it’s DNA.

I’m Nick, event organiser and long-term Marvel Crisis Core fan - I’ve been running Days of Future Past events for the past (XXX) years in and around Melbourne as a stand alone event and now I’m excited to see my little event showcased as a part of ArcFest.
Anyway, one of my favourite parts in running Days of Future Past is getting to take the time to look at all the beautifully painted miniatures that the players bring to play.

The event is designed to also be a celebration of the skill and creativity of the hobbyist that come along. Many of the players prepare new rosters just for the event, and I always love seeing the ideas that people can bring to life. Just like bringing you’re A game for the matches, be sure to bring out your best paint jobs as well.
Finally and most importantly, Days of Future Past over the years that I have run it has been a great opportunity for people from all different Marvel: Crisis Protocol communities to come together to connect - either making new friends or connecting with friends from online.
This by far is the best part, sharing stories and just enjoying being surrounded by other people who have the same passion as you.
It doesn’t matter what part of this great hobby you love the most, it’s all going to be there at Days of Future Past - and enjoy being part of a bigger Celebration of table top miniatures being part of ArcFest.

Can’t wait to see you all there at ArcFest in April 2024!