For the past 25 years Arc40k has been driven by four core principles.
Put into writing in 2011 they are: Play for Fun, Paint your Army, Be a Good Winner, & Don’t be that Guy…
These Principles - dubbed Codex Fez by those organising the event at that time - have been the backbone of of what has become an Iconic weekend of gaming with painted models against the best of mates - both new found and decades long.
The best part of these principles extend far beyond the Warhammer 40,000 event that spawned them and they can be applied to a range of Table top Miniature games and the Hobby associated with it…
In this series of articles we take a look at some of the events at ArcFest, and how they are getting on board with the Codex Fez, to run events aimed squarely at having fun, with our painted models, against great mates.

ArcHeresy narrative weekend Joins ArcFest
The call is out for Thirty Horus Heresy Player looking to engage in a Battle Weekend like no other.. Choose a side - to defend the Imperium or support the rebellion - this means we need 15 Loyalist and 15 Traitors!
It’s close quarter combat in the highest order as battles will be fought among confines of space ships above as well as the factories and slums across Cthonia.
ArcHeresy will run using the latest rules from Warhammer: The Horus Heresy as well supplemental rules from Age of Darkness Zone Mortalis featured in The Siege of Cthonia campaign book.
Build your force of 1,000 Points based upon the restrictions in Zone Mortalis and you’ll have everything set for a massive series of 5 Rounds of gaming across two days - Saturday 27 & Sunday 28 April 2024.

We need equal numbers of traitors and loyalists as this effectively splits players into two teams - battling out for surpremacy across the weekend of gaming. Players will only ever be paired against those from the opposing faction. Each side Loyalists or Traitors, will accumulate points as a unified faction and this will determine the winning side.
The Age of Darkness Zone Mortalis additional rules allow players to recreate iconic battles of the Horus Heresy fought in such locations as fortress tunnels and defence networks, inside the crumbling remains of towering hive cities or through spaceport hangars and manufactorum sectors, packed with void craft and industrial machinery.
Armies will have to battle within Zone Mortalis terrain to create the cramped and confined environments in which many battles of the Age of Darkness were fought.

The use of Reinforcement Points allow players to place units from the army onto the board from Reinforcements and perform daring flanking attacks or strike from behind enemy lines resulting in an exciting, ever-changing dynamic.
These rules are a supplemental addition to the Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness Rulebook, which is required to use the Zone Mortalis rules.
Terrain is an integral part of Zone Mortalis battles and helps provide players with a unique tactical challenge by limiting lines of sight across the battlefield and funnelling troops into deadly kill zones. Battlefields designated as having Ceilings limit the use of Wargear such as jump packs and weapons with the Barrage special rule which causes players to consider which units they include in their armies from a different perspective.
So are you up for the challenge? Traitors or Heretics - who will win…