Arc40k - Player's Choice 2019
Roger Birkett
Roger Birkett sets a high bar for the armies he presents at Arc40k events. Over the past decade he has consistently been producing amazing looking armies that in recent years have finished on the podium for Best theme, Best Painted or Player's Choice.
In 2019 Roger chose to work on and present Ultramarines. The force displays many of the great characteristics his other armies had shown to this point. All of which showcase his impressive painting skills and talent. Bringing all that to bear in the Ultramarines army was the thing that proved to have the winning formula to earned him his ultimate dream and first Player's Choice Award.
The smooth graduations, impeccable free hand, strong modelling and conversion work, together with a clean and cohesiveness presentation of the army as a whole, certainly contributed to the army's appeal.
His original Arc40k force was based upon the models from the Dark Imperium boxed set - he took contents of that set and then added more... Over the following years he has added and expanded to it. Continuing to bring it to match play events - always catching the eye of other players.
And so we've decided to show more than was presented in 2019 because the army continues to look great and the newer models are as inspiring as the originals.