Chaos Daemons
Arc40k - Top 5 Overall 2009
Chaos Daemons
Dan Attrill
Before he took the reigns as organiser DanTO was a longstanding Arc40k player and Champion.
His 2009 Chaos Daemon Force is a just one of the many great example of Dan's all round hobby skills and the one he chose to take some photos of and present to the world.
Dan built and painted this Chaos undivided daemon army... In its design Dan went for as true undivided choosing selections from each of the four Chaos Gods and employed them to utilize their strengths.
Two units of Plague bearers were perfect for holding objectives. Fiends, fast moving high attack volume to tie up units in combat until the hard hitting Khorne Bloodletters could charge and destroy the engaged unit. From Tzeentch, Horrors & Flamers provided some high volume shooting, while the undivided Soul Grinder provided the army with some big fire power as well as menacing close combat option. All these units lead by what was at the time the very underrated Keeper of Secrets.
On the table this army fared quite well, it's subtle all round tactics with some punch if used well on the table guided Dan to a Top 5 Overall Finish at Arc40k.