We're thrilled to announce the latest addition to our esteemed judging panel for ArcOpen 2024 – the incredibly talented and seasoned miniature hobby enthusiast, Peter Overton!

With a hobby journey that spans decades and a passion for the art that has only intensified over time, Peter brings a wealth of experience and a keen eye for quality to our upcoming miniature painting competition.
‘I’ve been a keen painter since ‘I were a lad’ said Pete,’that is sometime back in the mid 1970’s! I started back with airfix minis and Humbrol Enamel Paints working on Napoleonics, WW2 and Knights with my brothers.’
From those humble beginnings, he witnessed the evolution of the hobby, embracing the changes in paints, techniques, and styles. Having painted both solo and in collaboration with fellow enthusiasts from groups like Ozpainters, Dragonpainting, and WargamerAU, Peter has truly been a witness to the transformative power of the hobby community.
A highlight in Peter's journey was his participation in Golden Demon, where he made his debut in 2001. Undeterred by an initial setback, he returned the next year to claim a Gold in Duel with a Kroot v Spacewolf fight.
‘From then on I was determined to get better and stepped up my effort every year’ Peter explained, ‘taking home a total of 10 trophies until the final event in 2012.
After the Golden Demons ended I, with a couple of others, ran a local Ozpainters Open for a few years before that too ran its course.
Beyond his prowess as a painter, Peter is the proud designer of the table top minature game "Twisted."

The success of the Kickstarter campaign and the game's quality stand as testaments to his creative vision. He got to work with minature artists and sculptures in creating his SteamPunk Dickensian drama.
While the game is currently on hiatus, plans are in motion for its revival under new ownership.
Though Peter modestly refrains from claiming the titles in comparison to today's talents, his eye for quality and appreciation for the craft are unmistakable.
‘I don’t consider myself an awesome painter these days compared to the guys that paint now but I do still enjoy it and know what to look for in a quality piece of work and I really find looking at other painters work inspiring.
‘The determination to paint an army astounds me as I have many half finished single models - don’t we alll…’ he mused!
Peter’s longstanding involvement in the industry and community together with insights and encouragement will undoubtedly add a valuable dimension to the ArcOpen painting competition.
Peter understands the dedication it takes to paint an army. He looks forward to bringing his expertise to the judging table at ArcOpen and wishes all participants an enjoyable and rewarding weekend.
Let's extend a warm welcome to Peter Overton as he joins our panel of judges at ArcOpen 2024! We can't wait to see the incredible miniatures and artworks that will unfold under his discerning gaze.